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Factory Accident Claim

If you have suffered an injury through a factory accident, Porter Wood Law Solicitors will help you to claim compensation for a factory accident

Been injured due to a factory at work accident?

If you’ve sustained a factory accident injury due to the negligence of your employer, you may be eligible to make a factory compensation claim.

At Porter Wood Law Solicitors, we have over 40 years of combined experience, successfully recovering thousands of pounds worth of compensation for non-fault factory workers.

We understand the impact injuries can cause; from the pain and suffering the injury is causing you, the impact it may have on your overall well-being and how, in some cases, having to take time off work to recover from your injury can impact on financial losses you may incur.

Rest assured, you will receive the best legal representation for your case, assigned to a solicitor with an unrivalled success rate who will fight for the maximum compensation you are legally entitled to in every aspect of your claim.

Whilst we understand no amount of compensation can compensate you for your suffering, our expert team of solicitors are here to help you win your case, and ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

To receive free legal advice and to discover how much your claim may be worth, contact us today to discuss making a successful factory accident claim. Call us on 01772 203 303, complete the online contact form online, or speak to us directly via live chat.

Types of Factory Accident Cases

Below is a list of the different types of factory accidents we have been instructed to pursue claims for:

  • Burn injuries
  • Falling objects
  • Falls from a height
  • Fires and explosions
  • Laceration
  • Machine accidents

No matter how minor or severe the circumstances of your claim are, we have the expertise and experience to achieve the best possible outcome of your claim.

Find out how much compensation you can claim. Contact us online or call 01772 203 303 for non obligation friendly advice.

Supporting a claim for a non-fault factory accident

As with any type of compensation claim, every individual’s circumstances vary from one person to another, therefore it’s important to seek advice directly from an experienced solicitor to represent your case

Being able to evidence the circumstances of your claim, in respect of how the accident occurred, who was at fault, and what steps you took next are all crucial by way of proving the accident wasn’t your fault, and importantly, helping to strengthen your claim, which in turn, can positively affect the outcome of your claim, and compensation awarded to you.
Here’s a list of the different types of evidence you should look to provide your solicitor with:

    • 1. The contact details of the person you reported the accident to
    • 2. To verify whether or not the accident was recorded in the accident at work company handbook
    • 3. The contact details of the medical establishment you have attended to be treated for your injury/injuries
    • 4. Any photographic evidence you may be able to provide relating of the accident scene and/or of your injuries
    • 5. A copy of any medical treatment you have been prescribed, any of any other additional reasonable expenses you have had to pay out of your own pocket for, for example, any private treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathy etc.
    • 6. Any time off work you have required to recover from your injury

By providing as much evidence as possible to prove how the accident occurred and it being at the fault of your employer’s negligence, the greater the chance your claim will be of being successful.

Start your claim today

Let us help you build a strong case and receive the compensation that is rightfully yours.
Speak directly to an experienced no-win no fee factory accident solicitor today by calling, 01772 203 303, completing the online contact form online to request a callback, or speak to us directly via live chat.

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